IO ENERGY is now the distributor for the Nomad, which make it a product for HVCC also, as we are a full exclusive distributor for all IO Energy for DoD, Military, Government Contractors, and government agencies. Nomad leasing is available to DOD, FEMA , GOVERNMENT AGENCIES and ALL GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR for Government Vehicle bids.
The Nomad is a real game changer for the Military, DoD, FEMA, lAW Enforcement and Stadiums.
The Nomad The Nomad system will be added to our IO Energy line of products that we provide for DoD, Military and FEMA under COMBAT ARMS SYSTEMS CORPORATION "CASC" a Delaware C Corporation an a Honor Valor Courage Corporation subsidiary.
The Nomad come in three sizes
1 MW | 2.0 MWh
1MW out put with 2MKW of storage,
Plug and play BESS trailer with NOMAD PowerDock ™
1-day connection, preparation and testing timeline
2+ hour discharge ability at 1 MW
Fire suppression, outgas detection, deflagration installed
Stand Pipe Equipped
Can be used with other NOMAD systems in fleet applications.
1 Full cycle per day
Charge and discharge when desired
Either time of day routed, run on demand or have NOMAD run the system for you
Meteorological Sensors and WeatherSense System
500 kW | 1.2 MWh
500 kW AC output power
1.2 MWh of storage capacity
Plug and play BESS trailer with NOMAD PowerDock ™
1-day connection, preparation and testing timeline
2+ hour discharge ability at 500 kW
Fire suppression, outgas detection, deflagration installed
Stand Pipe Equipped
Can be used with other NOMAD systems in fleet applications
1 Full cycle per day
Charge and discharge when desired
Either time of day routed, run on demand or have NOMAD run the system for you
Meteorological Sensors and WeatherSense System
250 kW | 600 kWh
250 kW AC output power
600 kWh of storage capacity
Plug and play BESS trailer with NOMAD PowerDock ™
1-day connection, preparation and testing timeline.
2+ hour discharge ability at 250 kW
Fire suppression, outgas detection, deflagration installed
Stand Pipe Equipped
Can be used with other NOMAD systems in fleet applications
1 Full cycle per day
Charge and discharge when desired
Either time of day routed, run on demand or have NOMAD run the system for you
Meteorological Sensors and WeatherSense System
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